Going from Disciple to Disciplemaker
We are all called to “Go and make disciples” but many people don’t know how. That is why Holly created the curriculum “Disciple to Disciplemaker”. A year ago, Holly discipled Courtney who was a student at Glendale Community College. When they completed the curriculum, Holly challenged Courtney to disciple Brianna. Listen to what these young women said about their experience discipling and being discipled.
“After being discipled by Holly, I took a step of faith to disciple someone else. Holly connected me to a wonderful young woman named Brianna. I had never met her before, which was nerve-racking. Since we were in the middle of the pandemic, Brianna and I started discipleship over video chat. Discipling someone grew me emotionally and spiritually. During that time of uncertainty and loneliness, being able to teach someone about God’s will helped me more than I have words to explain. I learned more things about God while teaching someone else. It showed me what godly gifts and abilities I have and how they can impact another person. To see another person grow closer to God because I gave my time and effort is one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I believe that because I was vulnerable with Brianna about my own story, she was able to be not only vulnerable to me but to her followers on social media. I am so eternally grateful that I had this opportunity to help someone else seek God’s grace and receive it. ”
“When Holly asked me if I wanted to be discipled, without realizing what she meant, I said yes. Ever since giving my life to Christ, I’ve wanted to know Him better: who He is, what He stands for, and what the Word says. I said yes because I knew it would be a good opportunity for me to learn these things. Holly paired me with Courtney. At first, I felt a little closed off. But Courtney was so nice and loving that it became easier to open up to her and share my testimony. Courtney is one of my best friends now. I was impressed with our discussions and learned so much. Being discipled has equipped me to disciple someone else one day. I’m now confident in sharing my testimony and explaining who Jesus is. I’m ready to take on the world and share Jesus with as many people as possible in this life!”
May Courtney and Brianna encourage you to take the step of faith to invite someone into a discipleship relationship with you. You may never know how taking the time to invest in someone may change their life! You can download the same curriculum at: discipletodisciplemaker.com for free. Let us reach this world for Christ together, one person at a time!
Please pray for Holly as she’s been having intense migraines. She has an upcoming neurologist appointment on Feb 18th. Holly has applied to go to Phoenix Seminary starting this summer to get her Master’s in Biblical Studies and Theology. With her speaking and writing, she felt this is a good next step in her development. Pray for Matt as he’s been feeling weak. We are in the process of having blood tests to see what might be going on. When we are weak, we know He is strong! Thank you for praying for us and our family!