Ahmet Comes to Christ at Soul Searcher Event

Ahmet Comes to Christ at Soul Searcher Event

   Holly flew to Gatlinburg, TN, where a group of Cru students were on a summer mission. Every summer, Gatlinburg hires 16,000 international students to work in their theme parks. Cru students work alongside these international students, befriend them, and share the gospel with them throughout the summer. Holly was invited to do her first “Soul Searcher Event” with their new international friends. 

   The highlight was meeting Ahmet from Turkey. Holly told him she’d visited his country and asked if he had been to the city of Ephesus. He said, “Of course!” Holly asked, “Did you know that there is a book written in the Bible specifically for the people of Ephesus called Ephesians?” He was so excited to read it with one of the students, Taylor. 

   At the end of the event, students filled out a survey on if they made a decision to follow Jesus. Ahmet said he had! Taylor will now begin to follow up with him for the last few weeks they are both in town. We have staff who can speak Turkish that will prayerfully continue to disciple Ahmet when he heads back to Turkey. Please pray that the his new faith will grow and flourish and he will be excited to share Jesus with others in his own country and language. 

   Holly’s next “Soul Searcher Event” will be in Sonoita, Arizona on July 24th to a youth group. Please pray for more changed lives. Also, if your young adult group would like to do this evangelistic event, have them reach out  to us.  

Holly was Accepted to the Doctor of Ministry Program at Phoenix Seminary

   Beginning August 5th, Holly will be back in seminary for the next 2-3 years alongside her role in Cru. Cru encouraged Holly to head back to school to help with resourcing our staff, students and the church in general on how to most effectively reach the LGBT community while being faithful to the Scriptures. Please pray for our family as we juggle family and ministry in this season.

   Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. Lives are being changed with the gospel! 
