“Illuminate” Youth Rally Transforms Lives

“Illuminate” Youth Rally Transforms Lives

     Six churches in Sierra Vista, Arizona, gathered their youth to motivate them to be the next generation to reach the lost. The day was filled with teachings, trainings, and worship. 

     Holly spoke the second half of the day, training them on how to have spiritual conversations that lead to Jesus and the gospel. She then led the students into a time of repentance and surrender. Students prayed for one another, and two students indicated they wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

     After that, the students went to the back of the room and wrote on a wall all the names of the people they want to pray for and share Jesus with. It was filled with hundreds of names. Please pray that they will return to their schools and families and be bold with the gospel.

     Holly met one young man, Josh, who had just attended church for the first time the Sunday before. His classmates had invited him. It was there he put his faith in Christ and decided to come to this day of training to learn how to share his new faith. Holly was able to give him her discipleship training so that he could now be discipled in his new faith. Please pray for Josh as he grows to understand his new faith and as he takes steps to share Jesus with others. 

     Thank you for praying for us as we continue to share the gospel and train the next generation. God is changing lives, and you are a part of this eternal fruit. We are grateful for your prayers and support.