Winter Conference & Daily Devotional

Winter Conference


     This was Holly’s 21st Winter Conference. It was quite different from any other because it was virtual due to COVID. Over 6,000 students participated around the U.S.  Holly had 9 students join her in cabins to watch the conference virtually. The impact of this weekend was significant. One guy wants to join a summer mission.  A group of men shared vulnerably about their struggles and the next steps for accountability. One young woman learned that who she is dating is not a believer. She is now deciding if she wants to pursue spiritual leadership or continue in the relationship with her boyfriend. Please pray for these students that they would take what they were challenged with and apply it to their lives.

     Holly’s Discipleship Class with young adults ended the same week as the conference.  As a result of investing in 15 students over 18 weeks, 5 small groups will be started, and 6 students will take the class again to mentor 12 new students in the class.  Many are more confident in sharing their faith and are making it an intentional priority in their lives. Thank you for investing in us so that we can invest in others.  They are no longer “pew warmers” but passionate kingdom builders for God! 

Lent Devotional


     We invite you on a journey “From Ashes to Resurrection” with a daily devotional beginning February 17th and concluding on Easter Sunday. We’ll explore the ways Jesus delivered us through His life, death, and resurrection. The devotional is available as a daily email or as a one-time PDF download. This QR code allows anyone with a smartphone to access the sign-up page by opening up the camera app to view the code. Holly is one of the writers for this devotional so we wanted to send it as an encouragement to focus on Him this Easter season.  



     Please pray for Holly as she’s been having intense migraines. She has an upcoming neurologist appointment on Feb 18th.  Holly has applied to go to Phoenix Seminary starting this summer to get her Master’s in Biblical Studies and Theology. With her speaking and writing, she felt this is a good next step in her development. Pray for Matt as he’s been feeling weak. We are in the process of having blood tests to see what might be going on. When we are weak, we know He is strong! Thank you for praying for us and our family! 
