What is God’s Will for your life? 

What is God’s Will for your life? 

    This question is asked by almost every college student during their years in school. If we are honest, most of us still ask this question at pivotal moments of our life. 

    It was about a month ago, Holly felt compelled to look up the 48 verses in the Bible that talk about “the will of the Lord”, “God’s will” and other similar phrasing and study them in their greater context. She then wrote devotional questions to help others discern what the “will of God” means according to His Word.  She is currently teaching this in her women’s Bible Study and is in the process of writing some additional commentary to make it a transferable devotional.  We are hoping this can be used within Cru to help students better discern God’s Will according to what He intended it to mean.  Please pray for her as she finishes writing this Bible Study/devotional and that God will show her if this is something she should try to get published for the greater body of Christ, or to be used just within Cru. 


Microsites to Reach Every Student

     This past month, Matt was tasked with creating a template microsite for every campus to use in the United States so that students can more easily find Cru on their campus, get connected to Biblical communities and learn about Jesus and the gospel.  We are trusting God that his hard work in creating attractive, informative, easy to navigate websites will help more students connect to Cru and ultimately Christ-centered communities.  

    Matt also completed a video that interviewed students on various college campuses to see what their thoughts were on God. It is a very eye-opening video to how college students do want to know God if He actually loves and cares for them. 

Spiritual Beliefs Questions (South LA)

Prayer Requests

    Please pray for Holly as she teaches on May 22nd and June 19th to teams who are heading overseas for the summer.  Holly will also be speaking at a women’s retreat on May 19th.  Continual prayers for wisdom and direction as she prepares for those times are appreciated! 

     Together for His Kingdom and His Glory,
