New Role, Same Mission

     Within the past year, the campus ministry branch of Cru has gone through some major transitions in restructuring the ministry so that we can reach “every" student with the gospel. Part of that restructuring includes finding staff who can help with some critical responsibilities in the field of Operations.
     Matt has enjoyed serving on campus these past few years, especially discipling men and leading his small group. One thing Matt has greatly missed though is bringing his administrative skills to the table in terms of video editing and web design. We learned through this time of restructuring, that one of the greatest needs in the campus ministry is web designers. (There are only 2 in the campus ministry, counting Matt!) This is something that is fun and easy for Matt and so he has decided to officially transition from campus to operations to help build up the infrastructures we need throughout the country to reach more students on college campuses with the gospel. He has already begun the task of creating a website for all the college and high school campuses within the US. No small task to say the least!
     With his passion for video design, he is currently working on a video for the South LA Cru team for their vision dinner. He will upload it to our blog once it’s completed.

South LA Cru Vision Dinner Video 2018

     Matt still has a passion to make a difference in students’ lives directly and so he is still discipling past and current students from Cal State Fullerton.

     Thank you for your prayers and partnership, as together, we strive to get the gospel out to as many people as possible, if not by our own mouths, then by making it easy for them to learn about the gospel on their electronic devices!
