AZ Campus Visits

     On the road again...this time to Arizona to visit three of our teams: U of A, ASU and the Central Arizona team.  Most families wait until their kids are seniors in high school to go on campus visits, but we thought we’d cast that vision early for Carter!
     Visiting U of A is always a highlight since it’s where Holly went to school. It was encouraging to hear about an outreach they had for women on campus that resulted in over 300 women attending and 56 putting their faith in Christ! The staff and students have been following up with each of these 56 women and some of them even went on the spring break missions trip to LA after being only believers for about a month! God is not only drawing students to Himself, but giving them a heart to share Him with others!
     Holly had the opportunity to teach at U of A’s weekly meeting where she challenged students to think about how they could be influencers without a title in evangelism and discipleship in their churches and workplace after they graduate.  
     Visiting ASU a week later was also very encouraging. We met with a group of students (pictured above) that have been serving the past few years with Cru without a staff team. Now, with a new staff team of 7, it has been encouraging to see how the students have embraced the staff and the staff have empowered the students to reach their campus.  ASU is the largest campus in the NATION with 60,000 students. These staff and students are trusting God and are hoping to give each an opportunity to respond to the gospel.
     Though we’ve been traveling a lot as a family, Matt still finds time to edit videos of life-changing testimonies of students in our ministry. This month’s video is a very powerful story of an 18 year old high school student named Stephany.  Due to the sensitivity of her story, we cannot put it public on our website. Click on the image below and it will direct you to another site.