Higher Calling KCCC Winter Conference

     We are blessed that Cru encourages us to figure out as a family how to best serve out of our giftings, which enables Holly to continue to teach and speak while Matt joins her with Carter. It was our privilege to go, as a family, to the Korean Campus Crusade for Christ’s “Higher Calling” conference in New Jersey. Students, from some of the most prestigious universities, gathered together for 4 days to seek God on His will for their lives.
     During one of the evening sessions, Holly was able to teach the 400 college students how to have victory over sin in their lives when they learn how to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. After the teaching, there was an hour and half of prayer, confession and worship. Three women approached Holly during that time for prayer.
     Cheryl had brought her non-believer friend and was concerned that the intensity of prayer and worship would make her uncomfortable. They prayed for her friend’s salvation, and Holly talked through how to discuss with her what she was experiencing and learning about Jesus in this new, unfamiliar environment.

     Yaewon approached Holly in tears admitting she related to the story Holly told of a girl who was stuck in her sexual addictions and couldn’t even pray to God to help her out of it. She shared how she had been raped at age 13, and since then, has had a hard time grasping how to work through it. We poured over scripture, prayed and had her think of next steps so that she can walk through the pain of her past.

     Katie flew in from Chicago when she heard Holly was speaking at this conference. She had read her book and was so excited about learning how to invite the Holy Spirit into her daily encounters with others. Holly spoke on that the following morning. Katie shared that she felt the pressure of going to Med School, but she felt the most joy in sharing Jesus with others. Holly got to share with Katie that whether she became a medical professional or was in vocational ministry, she could share Jesus with others...God’s will for her life is to just daily walk in the power of His Spirit. When we all do that, we will be effectively used by God. We prayed God would reveal to her the path He has for her to be an effective minister of the gospel.

Prayer Request
    •    Please pray for safe travels as we are driving to Arizona on February 10th.
    •    Pray for all the details to fall into place for the Cru outreach, The MAZE that will happen on Feb 26th at Cal State Fullerton. Matt is in charge of production.
    •    Please pray for preparations in the arrival of baby girl Melton on March 30th.  

Your prayers and support are making an eternal impact and we can’t thank you enough for partnering with us in reaching students with the gospel!

Matt, Holly & Carter Melton