Drew Lynch + Pomona Fall Retreat

Drew Lynch - America’s Got Talent Season 10


     If you watched the show “America’s Got Talent” this past summer, you know Drew Lynch. He’s a 24 year old comedian who has a stutter due to being hit in the neck with a softball. America loved him and he ended up getting second place on the show.
     Matt loves comedians and so when we heard Drew was going to do his first performance in October, we knew we wanted to be there. We met him and his girlfriend, Veronica, after the show, and as we were heading home, I told Matt that I felt like we are to somehow try to get to know them and share the gospel with them. We didn’t know how to contact him personally, but only a month later, he was performing at another Improv theater in Southern California and so we knew we had to go.
     After the show, we waited in line with another hundred people to talk to him. When we finally got there, we told him what a fan we were, and then Matt felt the Holy Spirit prodding him to go deeper. “Drew, may I ask you a personal question?” “Sure!” “What’s your spiritual background?” Drew looked surprised at first, but then said, “I grew up Christian, Baptist.” Matt took that as an opportunity to share with him that we are a part of a Christian organization on college campuses and we’d love to partner with him to do a show. He said he’d love to.
     We still don’t know where they are at spiritually or where this will lead, but we know that the Holy Spirit put Drew and Veronica on our hearts a month ago and we plan to keep seeing what He wants to do with us as we continue to pursue them in partnership. We truly believe that God has an amazing plan for this young comedian and He can use His life for His glory if Drew really surrendered to Him. Please pray for other Christians to come in contact with them while they are on the road and that the Holy Spirit will work powerfully in their lives!

Pomona Fall Retreat

     Holly had the opportunity to join the Cal Poly Pomona students on their fall retreat and speak to their women. Her topic was “Fully His” found in Psalm 139. There are 5 truths she covered that, if internalized, would enable the women to have a more intimate relationship with Him.
     We are fully known by Him (v. 1-4). We are fully protected by Him (v.5-6). We are fully in His presence at all times (v. 7-12). We have been made fully wonderful by Him (v. 13-16). We are fully loved by HIm (v. 17-18).

Tanaka Farms, Irvine, CA

Thank you for walking this journey with us! God bless you for your partnership as we reach this next generation with the gospel!

Matt, Holly, Carter (2 yrs), Briella (8 months on Nov. 23rd)