Over 1,000 students came together over the MLK weekend from CA, AZ and HI to learn more of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We studied why we’d want to be a disciple of Jesus, what it looks like to become a disciple of Jesus and how to help others become disciples of Jesus. One evening, hundreds of students flooded the front of the room with candles they had lit representing something they were handing over to the Lord or wanting to grow in, so that they could be better disciples of Him.
We had a day of outreach where campus teams would go to various locations around LA and Orange County, partnering with churches, to reach out to the community in service and in sharing the gospel.
When Cal State Fullerton returned back to debrief their time, they were asked to text a staff member how many spiritual conversations they were able to get into. One student, Sarah, texted “Spiritual Conversations: 3”, but to a wrong number in Texas! The person wrote back and said, “I’d like to have a spiritual conversation!” Sarah saw this as a divine appointment and got to dialogue with this person about God and the gospel via texting! The conversation is still going!
Matt was the photographer at the conference, but also got to meet up with the guys he discipled in Santa Monica two summers ago. Even after all this time, the men went deep and encouraged each other to walk closer with Jesus.
Holly got to teach a seminar called, “Go and make disciples…not converts” and help students really think through what the great commission is asking them to do personally.
Holly also got to speak at Cal Poly Pomona's weekly meeting on Thursday, January 28th. If you've ever wondered, "What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives?" then take a listen to the talk I gave at Cal Poly Pomona. I truly think that if more followers of Jesus understood the role of the Spirit in their lives, this world would be incredibly different....
Prayer Requests
• Holly is speaking at Santa Barbara Cru Feb 4 & 5 and Calvary Chapel Saving Grace High School Feb 8. Pray for wisdom on what to share and changed lives.
• Holly has also started facilitating a woman’s study at Yorba Linda Friends Church on Thursday mornings. Pray for discipleship to happen.
• Matt will be starting an upperclassmen men’s study at our house on Thursdays. Pray for men to become disciple makers.
Santa picture at the mall in Sierra Vista, AZ
Thank you so much for your prayers as we share the gospel and disciple men and women on campus and within our church communities. You are a part of lives being forever changed with the gospel!
Matt, Holly, Carter (2yr) & Briella (10 m)