Santa Monica Summer Mission Project

Santa Monica Summer Mission Project 2014

     WE MADE IT! Well, we arrived two days ago to Santa Monica, CA, but we are finally all moved in and unpacked. The majority of our 22 Cru staff arrive today and the 80 college students arrive in a week and a half. We are exited to train and disciple these students as we go out and share the gospel in Santa Monica. We are here until July 18th. Once we leave, the students will lead this project for 4 more weeks on their own. They will be coached by phone by Holly & the rest of the leadership team.

Please pray....
1. for health and safety for our family and everyone here with Cru.
2. for our summer's leadership team: Scott, Becky, Amanda, Holly, Jeff, Andy, Daniel & Margee.
3. that we would be an encouragement to the students as we disciple them.
4. that we would be filled with the Holy Spirit as we go out on the boardwalk and share the gospel.
5. that we would see lives changed.

    You can check out this music video from a previous Santa Monica summer missions project to get a taste of what we are doing this year or just see how goofy the students are while on project.

     If you want to know more about summer missions or are interested in going, go to www.gosummerproject.com for more information.

Carter turned 7 months old on May 29th, so we decided to take a few pictures of him and his future with basketball. Enjoy!
(Click on each picture to enlarge)

     Thank you so much for your faithful support for our family as we continue to follow His lead. Your prayers and finances will make a difference as we lead, train and influence others with the gospel this summer.

Matt, Holly & Carter Melton