Big Break Los Angeles

Maia, from Washington State and Mackenzie, from University of Idaho

     Spring Break is a time where many students want to just go somewhere that’s fun and party.  There are some students though, who wanted to spend their break in sunny California learning how to share their faith at our Big Break LA event.    
     Neither of these women had ever initiated a gospel conversation until this week.  Their first attempt was a group of high school students who were on a campus tour.  After stepping out in faith and sharing the gospel with the group, three people accepted Christ, with another saying she wanted to decide later.     
     This incredible “God moment” encouraged them to go meet more students around campus. Most conversations were brief, but they pressed on.  After having an extended conversation with another group of women, two more indicated decisions for Christ. With deep feelings of joy and excitement, they continued to meet others and share the gospel.  To their amazement, two more women indicated decisions for Christ that same day! On the first day they had ever shared their faith a total of 8 people came to Christ!   
     As they reflected on their day, Maia said,"God is so much bigger than I ever knew...I must allow Him to take control and use my life however He wants.” Mackenzie said, "I didn't think I could make an impact in anyone's life. Now, I am confident that God can work through me."      
     Praise God for students who were willing to come to LA from all over America to learn how to share their faith and see lives changed! Thank you for praying and supporting us so that we can come alongside this next generation to train them and reach them with the gospel!  

Our Summer Mission  

     This summer we will be going on our first missions trip as a family to Santa Monica, CA. For 6 weeks, we will train and disciple 90 students from around the country how to share their faith. If you read Holly’s book, Follow My Lead, one chapter is about a Madam she met in Santa Monica and how she came to Christ, leaving the prostitution industry. In order for our family to be able to relocate for the summer and invest in these students, we need to raise $5,000 in special gifts. Would you prayerfully consider giving toward our summer? You can give online by clicking the 'donate' button.

     We pray this encourages you as you partner with us through your prayers and finances. They do make a difference as we lead, train and influence others with the gospel.

Matt, Holly & Carter Melton