Evangelism Class


A five lesson series on evangelism that coincides with the book, 'Follow My Lead' by Holly A. Melton

The Art of Evangelism Lesson One
The Foundations of the Gospel

Learn the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism and what it means to be "successful" in evangelism.

The Art of Evangelism Lesson Two
Overcoming Barriers to the Gospel

Learn how to reach postmoderns by identifying & breaking down the barriers they may have that hinder them from accepting the gospel.

The Art of Evangelism Lesson Three
Practical Ways to Share the Gospel

Learn how to share the gospel in a narrative way.
Help people grasp how their life is a part of God's bigger story. 

The Art of Evangelism Lesson Four
Asking Good Questions

Most people don’t want to be told what to believe. They want someone to first ask them questions and learn what they believe. In this lesson, you will learn what are good questions to ask to help draw a person out on spiritual topics that can then bridge into the gospel.

The Art of Evangelism Lesson Five
Presenting the Gospel to the Hurting

Learn how to enter in to others pain and bring them the hope of the gospel..